Elements of Art

Line: a path made by a moving point, can be any length, and on any surface
Shape: an area defined by its outline/a line that has met itself, closing off an area
Geometric shapes: man-made shapes such as squares, triangles, and rectangles
Organic shapes: nature-made shapes
Form: a 3-dimensional shape
Value: the lights or darks found in an artwork
Color: Hues - we use a color wheel which shows the primary, secondary, and tertiary/intermediate colors in the order they are mixed
Primary: Red, yellow, and blue - these colors cannot be created by mixing other colors together
Secondary: green, orange, and violet - create by mixing two Primary colors together
Tertiary/Intermediate: create by mixing a Primary and a Secondary color together - red-orange, red-violet, blue-violet, blue-green, yellow-green, yellow-orange
Texture: the way something feels or looks like it feels
Space: making an artwork seem to have depth

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